How we help
Have you ever thought “There has to be a better way there!”? We can help you find it.
Our team is what many would call AvGeeks (Aviation Geeks). In fact, it’s a requirement that they are! We spend a lot of time reading about the latest in route announcements, seat upgrades, airport news and more, all to make sure we stay on top of an industry that moves… pretty fast.
The TanAir Guarantee
A personalized booking experience
Our trip information form lets you tell us everything that matters to you in each trip. From the basics like where to and when, to airline loyalty program preferences, seats, and more.
Once the form is complete, we’ll reach out to you via your preferred method, a phone call or an email, and get the personalized planning process underway!
Flight monitoring that allows you to rest, and reset when needed
With our flight monitoring plan, we’ll make sure from the time you’re ticketed to arrival, everything is on time. If there’s a schedule change, delay, or cancellation, we’ll work proactively to get you back on track and on your way.
No more getting in the rebooking line with 100 others just to see what’s left to get you where you need to be.
So, what exactly do you get with TanAir?
With our Planning Package you get:
-A personalized way to book travel. We’ll work with you going over what you value most and what options you have to make getting there as easy as can be.
-Communication how you work best, via email or phone
Add on our protection plan and get:
-24/7 flight monitoring, so we know when delays are likely and rebook you as soon as possible
Need to make a change because of an airline delay or cancellation? We’re here 24/7 to
-While you’re traveling, we’re here to help with any questions about your flights, so you know exactly